Wednesday, May 30, 2007

delicious whole grain pancakes

mix whole grain pancake mix with water, use a mix to water ratio that produces a consistency that pleases you. add one - two over riped mashed bananas.

heat up in a skillet/pan, a Tsp. of coconut oil.

add quarter a handful of frozen blue berries and cranberries, and some pumpkin seeds. heat 'em up in the skillet on med-high.

add 1/2 cup batter, sprinkle with pumpkin seeds and a Tsp of brown sugar. cover with lid. wait i guess 3-5 minutes. to cook through.

flip pancake.
add anotha tsp of brown sugar

wait. 3 min or so.

serve up.

smells devine. tastes devine. the seeds taste great when they're covered a bit in the brown sugar and have been cooked up a little in the coconut oil. for those of us who aren't into coconut, i think grapeseed or flax oil could work well.

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